Business application development, technical debt reduction
![To ensure the long-term success of your applications, you need to keep technical debt under control. Discover key strategies for maintaining clean code and ensuring the flexibility of your projects.](/templates/yootheme/cache/c9/developpement-dapplication-metier-la-reduction-de-la-dette-technique-c9d8d688.jpeg)
Published on: 20 May 2024 - Updated on: 30 August 2024 - Read 228 times - Reading time: 4 minutes
When developers are pressed for time or deadlines, they may choose solutions that work quickly but aren’t optimal in the long run. These choices can include using duplicate code, not following good programming practices, or omitting proper testing. Every time such a decision is made, it’s as if the team is “borrowing” time, knowing that they will have to “pay back” later by fixing these imperfections, which contributes to the accumulation of technical debt .
The consequences of technical debt are numerous and significant . Just as financial debt accumulates with interest, technical debt becomes increasingly expensive to “repay” over time. Code becomes harder to maintain, understand, and evolve. Bugs become more frequent and harder to fix. Adding new features takes longer and longer. These negative effects illustrate the consequences of technical debt, which can seriously compromise the quality and sustainability of a software project.
To prevent and reduce technical debt, several key principles must be implemented:
- Clean code as a prevention strategy : By adopting clean code practices , developers create cleaner, more modular, and maintainable code from the start. This acts as a “thrift” that prevents the accumulation of technical debt. Best practices include well-thought-out architecture, regular testing, and continuous refactoring.
- Regular refactoring : It is crucial to continually improve the structure of the code without changing its external behavior. This practice helps maintain the quality of the code over time and makes future modifications easier.
- Compliance with SOLID principles : Applying object-oriented design principles (Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation, Dependency inversion) helps create more modular, flexible and maintainable code.
- Automated Testing : Maintaining a comprehensive test suite is essential to facilitate changes with confidence. This helps detect regressions quickly and ensures that new features do not introduce bugs.
- Up-to-date documentation : Keeping documentation in sync with the code is crucial to make the project easier to understand and maintain, especially when new developers join the team.
- Systematic code reviews : Implementing a peer review process helps maintain code quality, share knowledge within the team, and detect potential issues before they accumulate.
- Clean code as a payoff strategy : When technical debt already exists, clean code offers strategies to “payoff” it. This may involve refactoring existing code, improving test coverage, or restructuring parts of the system. This approach helps to gradually reduce technical debt and improve code quality.
Ensuring sustainability and scalability helps ensure the viability and competitiveness of software projects . By maintaining clean code and applying these key principles, projects remain flexible and adaptable to future changes. This allows teams to respond more quickly to new market requirements or technology changes. In the long run, this translates into lower maintenance costs and a longer lifespan for the software.
Reducing technical debt is not only a good practice, but a necessity for any serious software development company. It helps ensure the quality, maintainability and sustainability of projects, while promoting innovation and adaptability in a constantly changing technological environment.
// Code with technical debt
class UserManager {
private $db;
public function __construct($db) {
$this->db = $db;
public function createUser($userData) {
// Direct validation in the method
if (empty($userData['name']) || empty($userData['email'])) {
throw new Exception("Name and email required");
if (!filter_var($userData['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid email");
// User creation logic mixed with persistence
$query = "INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES (?, ?)";
$stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);
$stmt->execute([$userData['name'], $userData['email']]);
// Sending emails directly in the method
mail($userData['email'], ‘Welcome’, “Your account has been created”);
return $this->db->lastInsertId();
// Clean code reducing technical debt
class UserValidator {
public function validate(array $userData): void {
if (empty($userData['name']) || empty($userData['email'])) {
throw new ValidationException("Name and email required");
if (!filter_var($userData['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
throw new ValidationException("Invalid email");
class UserRepository {
private $db;
public function __construct(PDO $db) {
$this->db = $db;
public function save(User $user): int {
$query = "INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES (:name, :email)";
$stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);
$stmt->execute([':name' => $user->getName(), ':email' => $user->getEmail()]);
return $this->db->lastInsertId();
class EmailService {
public function sendWelcomeEmail(string $email): void {
// Email sending logic
class UserManager {
private $validator;
private $repository;
private $emailService;
public function __construct(UserValidator $validator, UserRepository $repository, EmailService $emailService) {
$this->validator = $validator;
$this->repository = $repository;
$this->emailService = $emailService;
public function createUser(array $userData): int {
$user = new User($userData['name'], $userData['email']);
$userId = $this->repository->save($user);
return $userId;
In this example, the clean version of the code:
- Separates responsibilities (validation, persistence, email sending) into separate classes.
- Uses dependency injection for better testability and flexibility.
- Applies the single responsibility principle (S of SOLID).
- Makes the code more modular and easier to maintain .
Impact for developers:
- Ease of maintenance: Developers can modify one part of the code without affecting others.
- Better testability: Each component can be tested in isolation.
- Increased reusability: Single-responsibility classes are more easily reusable in other parts of the project.
- Easier to understand: The code is more readable and its structure is clearer.
- Improved scalability: Adding new features becomes easier thanks to modularity.
Impact for decision-makers:
- Long-term cost reduction: Less time spent understanding and modifying existing code.
- Accelerated development: New features can be added more quickly.
- Improved quality: Fewer bugs due to unforeseen changes.
- Easier onboarding: New developers understand the code base faster.
- Increased agility: The company can respond more quickly to market changes.
- Reduced risk: Less reliance on specific individuals knowing complex parts of the code.
By investing in reducing technical debt through clean code practices, companies are not only making life easier for their developers; they are building a strong, flexible technology foundation that can quickly adapt to future opportunities and challenges. It’s a strategic investment that pays long-term dividends in productivity, quality, and innovation.
The content of this article is based on our own experiences. However, you can also consult the references below to refine your thinking.
- Challenge your technical debt and give your business applications a fresh start by Calculating technical debt is not a straightforward mathematical process. But the good news is that App Builder can help you reduce it.
- Strategies to Reduce Technical Debt in Software Development by Leverage these six strategies to reduce technical debt in software development and ensure flawless software for your business or target audience.
- IT organization grapples with technical debt - outdated applications, architectures, and processes that can absorb the majority of IT resources.
- Technical debt: Business impact + how to identify and reduce it by paddle.comDo you know what happens when developers prioritize short-term success over long-term planning? A mountain of technical debt, that’s what. And it can cause all kinds of trouble down the line – for their products, operations and success.
- Tame tech debt to modernize your business by . Develop data-driven insights to build a strategy for paying down the tech debt that stands in the way of business modernization.
Article updated on August 30, 2024
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