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Sales Outsourcing: A Key Solution for Web Agencies

Sales Outsourcing: A Key Solution for Web Agencies

Published on: 6 June 2023 - Updated on: 26 July 2023 - Read 558 times - Reading time: 2 minutes

In today's competitive environment, each company seeks to optimize its resources and focus on its core business. Why ? Because it allows them to maximize their effectiveness, strengthen their competitiveness and create added value. A key way to achieve this goal is outsourcing. And when it comes to the business activities of the business, we talk about'commercial outsourcing.

What does commercial outsourcing mean ?

Commercial outsourcing is a strategy undertaken by the company which aims to entrust the management of certain commercial tasks to a partner company specializing in this field. It allows'improve efficiency and profitability by freeing up resources that can be used more effectively elsewhere in the business.

In this process, many activities can be outsourced, from sales to marketing, including customer management and the search for new markets. This includes everything, from prospecting to the conclusion of sales, including negotiation and customer monitoring, without forgetting the performance analysis.

The partner company, like Agerix, specializing in commercial outsourcing in white brands, undertakes to provide a level of compliance, performance and responsibilities which perfectly adapts to the needs of the client company. It is a collaboration that could extend over several years, a partnership relationship aimed at strengthening the direct sales force of the company and increasing its turnover at the same time.

So why consider administrative and commercial outsourcing ?

The benefits are many. The company, by freeing itself from the constraints linked to the management of commercial activities, can improve its sales techniques. The time normally devoted to recruiting salespeople, managing their contracts, distributing them by geographic area, can now be reinvested in activities with high added value, such as support, development or production.

In addition to these benefits, outsourcing can also help significant cost reduction. Expenses related to the hiring and training of salespeople are abolished, as is the budget normally devoted to the purchase and maintenance of reporting tools. These tasks are transferred to the service provider, which often has high performance tools to ensure rigorous monitoring of the business strategy.

These benefits lead to an overall improvement in efficiency, a cost reduction, access to specialized skills, increased flexibility, better decision-making and improved quality of services.

How can Agerix help you ?

As your partner in commercial management and outsourced sales, Agerix undertakes to provide a complete service within the framework of commercial outsourcing. This includes monitoring and customer relationship management, digital support thanks to our ticketing software, the implementation of your business management process, the audit of your customer fleet and assistance in the commercial management of your business.

So if you want to improve the efficiency of your business, reduce costs, access specialized skills, increase your flexibility or improve the quality of your services, Agerix is ready to help you.

Article updated on June 21, 2023

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Eric Lamy
Bio rapide : Après avoir passé plus de 20 ans dans le marketing et l'optimisation de Système d'Information, j'ai créé l'agence Agerix en 2009 afin d'avoir une approche des projets tout aussi commerciale que technique. Fouiller, creuser, réfléchir et amener le projet au plus haut niveau qualité, c'est le Leitmotiv de notre bureau d'études et l'ADN que nous insufflons chaque jour dans nos projets. Que ce soit pour nos développements, nos projets d'intégration, ou même l'article que vous venez de lire, notre but est de livrer le meilleur.